Urban Survival: Growing For Harmony
Welcome to our Urban Survival Series, where we delve into the fundamental elements of sustainable gardening. In this course, our focus will be on
Irrigation: Basics and blended methodologies
Planting, nurturing, harvesting, and recharging
Community connectivity: most effectively gain support and meet the needs of your community
Ready to take control of your food source? Join our Urban Survival Series led by Jamiah Hargins, to gain practical insights and hands-on experience as we guide you and empower you with the skills to grow your own food. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or a beginner, join us for a transformative learning experience that will unlock the secrets to fostering a thriving and sustainable garden.

Course Instructor
Led by Jamiah Hargins, founder and Executive Director of Crop Swap LA™ , this Urban Survival Course will give you the necessary knowledge to grow your own food TODAY.

Located in Leimert Park, CA
The course will be held at The Degnan Microfarm, Crop Swap LA™'s newest microfarm in Africa Town/Leimert Park on Saturday January 13th, 2024.

Successfully take 4 Urban Survival Courses and you'll be eligible to receive a Crop Swap LA™ Urban Grower Certificate.