Professional Garden Maintenance

Transform your space into a thriving, sustainable garden with Crop Swap LA™. We provide a variety of maintenance plans and consulting services to help you create and maintain a beautiful and healthy garden all year round. Schedule a consultation call with us today to discuss your needs and find the best service for you.
What We
Garden Update
A friendly and knowledgeable Crop Swap LA urban farmer will refurbish an existing garden space to grow food again. This may include updating the grow area's structure, CSLA Soil Mix, irrigation lines, timers, and mulch. We may also harvest for you, prune, trellis, remove debris, replant with seasonal seedlings, and apply organic pest control.
Biweekly Garden Maintenance Plan: 2x monthly​
This plan includes expert biweekly harvesting, pruning, replanting with seasonal seedlings, and pest control. Keep your extra veggies, or donate them to Crop Swap LA.
Seasonal Garden Maintenance Plan: 4x annually
This plan includes expert seasonal harvesting, pruning, replanting with seasonal seedlings, and pest control. Keep your extra veggies, or donate them to Crop Swap LA.
​"Weekly Garden Maintenance Plan: 4x monthly"
Recommended for large spaces, this plan includes expert weekly harvesting, pruning, replanting with seasonal seedlings, and pest control. Keep your extra veggies, or donate them to Crop Swap LA.
Monthly Garden Maintenance Plan: 1x monthly
Recommended for small spaces, this plan includes expert monthly harvesting, pruning, replanting with seasonal seedlings, and pest control. Keep your extra veggies, or donate them to Crop Swap LA.
Garden Consultation
A CSLA staff consultant will visit your growing space to provide on-the-spot technical advice on maintenance, planting, pest management, irrigation design, soil health, and numerous other urban farming specialties designed to help your food grow better. Includes a written proposal of findings and recommended actions, as well as a seasonal planting guide. ** The price of your consultation can be applied toward your project installation!